An animated image of a person walking with an open umbrella while raining on Monday. The background is transparent.

You Don’t Hate Mondays - You Hate the Routine

Frequently Asked Questions

People of all ages, professions, and backgrounds might hate Mondays, often referred to as the "Monday Blues." The start of a new work or school week can be stressful and tiring after a relaxing weekend, making it a challenging day for some. Additionally, traffic, deadlines, and meetings can contribute to the dislike of Mondays.

High achievers often love Mondays as they perceive them as opportunities to take on new challenges and progress. In turn, they usually approach it with a can-do attitude that drives their success.

There’s no one-size-fits-all. You need a solution for your specific problem. For instance, you can try to shift your perspective by focusing on the positive aspects of the day, such as new opportunities and a fresh start. Next, plan something enjoyable for Monday, such as a favorite meal or activity. Finally, try to get enough sleep and prepare for the week ahead to minimize stress.
The Logician Profile Image, which is an animated image of a person with a crown, on a transparent background
Checkmark Icon in orange color on a transparent background

The Logician

I love using my free time to write and express my thoughts. My blog is my safe space where I have the ultimate freedom to share what’s on my mind.

Trademark of a Living Legend
The Logician Image, which is an animated image of a person working on the laptop with a globe behind him, on a transparent background

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