An animated image of a person sitting on a chair while looking at its smartphone and creating its network. The background is transparent.

How to Let Go of Toxic People That Hold You Back?

Frequently Asked Questions

People will change if they see an issue in their actions and are motivated enough. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time trying to “fix them.”

Most often, yes. If you allow someone to get to you, they have the power to control your energy. Toxic people usually drain the positivity out of you and make you doubt yourself, therefore limiting your potential.

Suppose you cannot entirely avoid a toxic person. In that case, you can set and communicate boundaries on what you will tolerate, change your routine to avoid them, keep interactions superficial, stay calm and grounded, or encourage them to get help.
The Logician Profile Image, which is an animated image of a person with a crown, on a transparent background
Checkmark Icon in orange color on a transparent background

The Logician

I love using my free time to write and express my thoughts. My blog is my safe space where I have the ultimate freedom to share what’s on my mind.

Trademark of a Living Legend
The Logician Image, which is an animated image of a person working on the laptop with a globe behind him, on a transparent background

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