An image of Diana Miron, on a transparent background
Diana Miron
Co-Founder of JSLeague

(Forbes 30 Under 30)

Diana Miron: Driving Innovation Through Tech and Education

It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Diana Miron, a front-end developer and the co-founder of the first JavaScript-themed hackathon. Diana is also the co-founder of JSLeague, a program that provides enterprise training on JavaScript technologies and free community workshops. She and her team were awarded a well-deserved spot on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Europe 2019: Technology list.

Diana’s experience in the technology field consists of front-end development at Vauban and iOS development at mReady. Diana is also the founder of AP.3, as well as JSGirls. In addition, she is the co-organizer of JSHacks, the first JavaScript-based hackathon in Romania.

With a clear goal of starting her own business, Diana shares with us insight into the entrepreneurial world. So many accomplishments, so little time. I am eager to hear all she has to say. Let’s get right to it!

It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Diana Miron, a front-end developer and the co-founder of the first JavaScript-themed hackathon. Diana is also the co-founder of JSLeague, a program that provides enterprise training on JavaScript technologies and free community workshops. She and her team were awarded a well-deserved spot on Forbes’ 30 Under 30 Europe 2019: Technology list.

Diana’s experience in the technology field consists of front-end development at Vauban and iOS development at mReady. Diana is also the founder of AP.3, as well as JSGirls. In addition, she is the co-organizer of JSHacks, the first JavaScript-based hackathon in Romania.

With a clear goal of starting her own business, Diana shares with us insight into the entrepreneurial world. So many accomplishments, so little time. I am eager to hear all she has to say. Let’s get right to it!

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The Logician Image, which is an animated image of a person working on the laptop with a globe behind him, on a transparent background

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